Showing posts with label Oracle RAC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle RAC. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Central TNSNAMES.ORA inside RAC using TNS_ADMIN [PRKP-1001 and CRS-0215 errors]

Is it possible to use a central tnsnames.ora on a shared file systems insite a Real Application Server. The answer to the question is YES. If the centralized tnsnames.ora is not correctly setup, it will produce the following errors [PRKP-1001 and CRS-0215 errors] at startup of the database or instance with SRVCTL. When using SQLPLUS to startup the database instance everything works as designed. Why SRVCTL is not working correctly is that, the TNS_ADMIN is not register into the Oracle Cluster Registry for the current database and instances.

The following steps in this blog will explain to you how you can solved the [PRKP-1001 and CRS-0215 errors] at startup of a database or instances by using SRVCTL statement with a centralized tnsnames.ora.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Password file maintenance on Clustered ASM and RAC databases

A recurring question during Grid Infrastructure and RAC courses I teach is “How do you manage Oracle password files in a clustered environment?”. The answer isn’t as straight forward as you might think because there are significant differences between ASM and RAC (==clustered database) environments. Additionally, in recent releases changes were made concerning password file [...Original article...]

A Posted by Harald van Breederode on January 14, 2011

Summary Password file maintenance on Clustered ASM and RAC databases

For ASM releases prior to 11gR2 password files should either be placed on a shared filesystem (and symlinked from $ORACLE_HOME/dbs) or password file changes should be performed manually on all instances in order to keep the password file contents synchronized on all nodes.

For ASM releases from 11gR2 onwards there is no need to place the password files on a shared filesystem because password file changes are automatically propagated to remote instances.

For RAC environments password files should either be placed on a shared filesystem (and symlinked from $ORACLE_HOME/dbs) or password file changes should be performed manually on all instances in order to keep the password file contents synchronized on all nodes.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oracle Support IDs for Oracle Apps DBAs

Here are the list of Oracle Support ID's for Oracle Apps DBAs, I do refer regularly. Moreover, these are very informative. So, I thought of sharing those note ids here with you.
Note: You have to have an account in Oracle Support to access id's.

Points of Interest

  1. Installation
  2. Real Application Cluster (RAC)
  3. AD Utility
  4. Cloning
  5. Patching
  6. Upgrades
  7. Printer
  8. Performance
  9. Others
  10. Oracle Application DBA Field Guide

Monday, June 21, 2010

How to Install and Deinstall DBconsole

Step-By-Step - DBconsole RAC Uninstall

WARNING: The uninstall process will Quiesce the database. Do not run on a live system
1. Ensure you have the following information before continuing.
  • Database unique name
  • Listener port number
  • Password for SYS user
  • Password for SYSMAN user
2. Log onto any node in the cluster.
3. Set-up your environment
  • . oraenv
  • ORACLE_SID = [SID] ? enter sid
4. Deconfigure dbconsole and drop the repository
  • emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop -cluster

Friday, June 18, 2010

Encountered a shutdown issue with 11gR2 Clusterware on Redhad 5.4

We encountered a shutdown issue with 11gR2 Clusterware on Redhad 5.4

We encountered a shutdown issue with 11gR2 Clusterware and Redhad 5.4. The services would start fine, but the shutdown script never appeared to run before the shutdown of the OCFS2. This results in a not clean shutdown of the instance on the node.

The Solution

To solve this problem we have done to actions:
    During the start stanza of the script, put in a command: touch /var/lock/subsys/ohasd Change the K19ohasd to K18ohasd in the /etc/rc?.d

Friday, April 2, 2010


The (IP=FIRST) statement will make the listener create a listening endpoint on the IP address to which the given HOST resolves. By default, without (IP=FIRST), the listener will listen on all network interfaces (e.g. INADDR_ANY) .

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Creating a Highly Available Environment for APEX Application in an Oracle Real Application Clusters

In Oracle 11g Oracle Application Express (APEX) is now a standard component in the Oracle 11g RDBMS.
The APEX component is intergration with the Oracle Database and ensures that the application builts with Oracle APEX
benefit from the reliability, security, scalability and availability offered by the Oracle database.
Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) is recommended for applications that require High Availability (HA), scalability,
and workload management. How can we intergrate the High Availability (HA), scalability,
and workload management functionality to the APEX module in a RAC environment
In this blog I descibe, how to use and configure APEX module in a RAC database environment.
In a normal High Availability for database enviroment is the Oracle HTTP server an unprotected feature by the Oracle Clusterware.